Thank You

Thank you to all those of you who came along to see us at the Lansdown Gallery in Stroud in May.  We welcomed visitors of all ages, some who has come specially and some who dropped in whilst passing.

We had some very positive responses and much lively discussion about the themes and ideas behind the work with some interesting thoughts from the children who came along.

One young lad of around 9 or 10 yrs to his friend:-

What do you think this is meant to be?  I don’t know, it could be a skeleton of a backbone.  No, I think it is a footpath.

Caroline Hibbs: The Journey

If I had a ball I could play basket ball with those hoops on the wall

Marilyn Hall: Memory and Time

Thank you for all of your comments in our visitor book.  It is great to be able to look back through these and consider what has been said. Here are a few that stood out as I went through:-

‘Unusual and interesting’

‘I love the space around each piece of work…..Each one so unique and intriguing’

‘Work to make us feel well again…’

‘I like it’   by a very young Rowan

‘A lovely artistic stop on my busy journey through Stroud’

‘…very grateful to see anything that shifts my seeing and thinking…’

Our conversations with you in the gallery and your thoughtful comments help to inform our future thinking and work.

Jean Kirk: Rhythm. Colour. Seasons
Marian Murphy: Tidal Rhythms
Monika Bruckner: Time. Live. Objects
Monika Haeussler-Goeschl:
Ups and downs of everyday life

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